Clicking the Journal’s name will open (a link to) the article.
Atkinson J et al.: The second round of the Phar-QA survey of competences for pharmacy practice. Pharmacy 4, art. 27 (2016).
Atkinson J et al.: Hospital and community pharmacists perceptions of which competences are important for their practice. Pharmacy 4, art. 21 (2016).
Atkinson J et al.: A study on how industrial pharmacists rank competences for pharmacy practice: A case for industrial pharmacy specialization. Pharmacy 4, art. 13 (2016).
Atkinson J et al.: The PHAR-QA project: Competency framework for pharmacy practice First steps, the results of the European network Delphi round 1. Pharmacy 3, 307-329 (2015)
Atkinson J et al.: What is a pharmacist: Opinions of pharmacy department academics and community pharmacists on competences required for pharmacy practice. Pharmacy 4, art. 12 (2016).
Atkinson J et al.: How do European pharmacy students rank competences for practice? Pharmacy 4, art. 8 (2016)
Atkinson J.: Does the subject content of the pharmacy degree course influence the community pharmacists views on competencies for practice? Pharmacy 3, 137-153 (2015)
Atkinson J et al.: A European competence framework for industrial pharmacy practice in biotechnology. Pharmacy 3, 101-128 (2015)
Atkinson J: Heterogeneity of pharmacy education in Europe. Pharmacy 2, 231-243 (2015)
Atkinson J et al.: The production of a framework of competences for pharmacy practice in the European Union. Pharmacy 2, 161- (2014)
Atkinson J et al.: Systems for quality assurance in pharmacy education and training in the European Union. Pharmacy 2, 17-26 (2014)
Atkinson J: A bibliometric analysis of the scientific output of EU pharmacy departments. Pharmacy 1, 172-180 (2013)
Atkinson J, Rombaut B: The 2011 PHARMINE report on pharmacy and pharmacy education in the European Union. Pharmacy Practice 9, 169-187 (2011)
Atkinson J et al.: A description of the European pharmacy education and training quality assurance project. Pharmacy 1, 3-7 (2013)
Atkinson J, Rombaut B: The PHARMINE study on the impact of the European Union directive on sectoral professions and of the Bologna declaration on pharmacy education in Europe. Pharmacy Practice 9, 188-194 (2011)
Guimares Morais JA, Cavaco AM, Rombaut B, Rouse MJ, Atkinson J: Quality Assurance in European pharmacy education and training. Pharmacy Practice 9, 195-199 (2011).
Atkinson J, Rombaut B: The PHARMINE paradigm – Matching the supply of pharmacy education and training to demands. Eur.Indus.Pharm. 6, 4-7 (2010).